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Finger Guard Beast Hunter for Bowstring
Finger guard for Beast Hunter´s bowstring. Protects your fingers when releasing the bowstring. Can be used as an arrow nock holder on the bowstring.
Nockpoint C Seat for Arrow Nocking - Nock Stabilizer
Nockpoint C Seat for Arrow Nocking - Nock Stabilizer, for marking a nocking point on the bow string.
Plastic Screw-In Arrow Rest
Plastic Screw-In Arrow Rest for both left-handed and right-handed. Tool suitable for recurve bows.
Brush Bristle Arrow Rest
Brush Bristle Arrow Rest for archers. Inner diameter of the rest for the arrow flight through 4,2 cm.
Whisker Biscuit Quick Shot Arrow Rest
Whisker Biscuit Quick Shot Arrow Rest for archers. Inner Diameter of Rest - 4,5 cm.
Replacement Bristle Ring for Whisker Biscuit Quick Shot
Replacement Bristle Ring for Whisker Biscuit Quick Shot with an easy scale.
Drop Away Arrow Rest for Compound Bows
Drop Away Arrow Rest for Compound Bows for an increased speed of a shot arrow. The cable of this rest must be attached to one of the additional strings on the bow.