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Archery Target 50x50x10 straw for strong crossbows and bows
28,00 €
Foam target for shooting crossbows and bows. Dimensions of the landing area 50 x 50 x 10 cm. You can increase the thickness of the impact site by purchasing more impact sites and stacking them.
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Super 740 Archery Target 40x40x20 cm
40,17 €
Archery target suitable for shooting with crossbows and bows. Dimensions 40x40x20 cm.
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Archery Target 60x60x18 straw for strong crossbows and bows
52,34 €
Archery Target for strong crossbows and bows. Dimension 60x60x18. Weight 20kg. The Target is composed of three separately compressed plates filled with compressed straw. These boards are sewn in burlap.
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Block Variation 40x40x40 cm Archery Target
32,06 €
Block Variation 40x40x40 cm Archery Target with six target options. Durable target made of laminated cardboard filled with polyester fibre.
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